Saturday, July 5, 2008

the secret to remembering DREAMS

today is not important. yesterday was (july four 8 US indep), tomorrow is 6/7/8 (to me)

past week;
/finished alpha wing 2
/watched forbidden kingdom and hancock. ["call me a crazy a--hole one more time"]
/spent some time on [4 indexes/welcome pages],,,, [how to do harsh death metal vocals],,,,, [buy a mac and get a free ipod [rebate]],,,
/read up on sumner redstone [owns cbs, bet and mtv], 9/11 conspiracy theories, hostile takeovers, the famous porsche carrera crash
/listened to all the a-milli verses, even an assassin refix and a will smith [a willie],
Mix fm MOST OF THE DAY favourited lifehouse - hanging by a moment, seether - rehab cover
/realized I have big directories e.g [1,983 mp3's] 9.8gb i.e reggae folder, DIALOGIC VOX file in registry. I missed the final? visit of the bookship LogosII. All stephanies I know are hot. Missed this year's BET awards.
/remembered watching a show called the EX EFFECT on the last night if my trip [staying at the Hilton closest to O'hare]

Funny how when you visit blogs, there's almost always in the description, the words ramblings and musings, stuff ending in ings, now don't interrupt me while I'm bloginking.

What if I got into a minivan/taxi and I travel on said transport about 2/3 way towards my place of departure, and the fare collector guy asks for my fare, but I don't have any money, is it OK to put me off, as I am so close to my destination...
If I can finish download a file @ 98%, (I already have the bulk), is there really a need for the lousy 2% [downloads are mostly sequential anyway]
What is up with these flippin boutiques here [redd, jeans inc, fashionconscious] selling 30USD PLAIN levis for 120BDS+ [200% profit?]. Seriously I would open a jeans/pants boutique store and show them how it is done. CRAzY100dollarpants. Only long jeans/pants all at $100. Sectioned out by brands. No shitty PLAIN jeans, No shitty brands, No MadeInPanama STUFF. Only the best ish.
Wish you could record thoughts and out them into certain/appropriate mind directory.
What is the average age of a person owning their own home and car?
Blogger has now screwed my post times as I changed to the -4.00 timezone
Wonder whose idea it was to keep the CropOverOpeningGala FREE to everyone? Charity does not pay. 2 or even 1 dollar per person and the organizers would have walked away with something like $20,000 profit EASILY.
How many times do I have to tell bajans, the word MALICIOUS has nothing to do with inquisitiveness. It is derived from the word Malice which means hate.
What is it with guys here wearing QUIKSILVER tees out, to party [verb] for the last two years? When I was wearing quiksilver tees, it was to the beach or something beachy [yaad or lights] and with bloody baggies. Men wearing it here like if it's Diesel or something.
What happened to United Colours Of Benetton.

WANTED: someone to read my shirt so I can feel good about going through all the trouble of putting it on
whenever youtube myspace, our facebook twitters
wanted: a dummy to read this shirt so that as they read, they realize this shirt doesn't have anything on it that anyone should read
A GE OVER [play on range rover]
wall-e marry me?
Cleverly disguised as a normal humanoid.

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