Monday, January 24, 2011

2011 Cinema Outting 01-02+03

Movies; watching them in the cinema is why there is a thing called Box Office.

I've watched Burlesque/Green Hornet + Faster.
An impressive musical/superhero adventure-type comedy + a macho revenge action.

Welcome to Burlesque > It takes a LEGEND... to make a STAR

Joseph Legall loves musicals or rather films with songs/dance themes throughout; Hairspray/Sweeney Todd/Take The LEAD and this movie was no exception. Totally enjoyed it. Cher + Christina, two brilliant voices who make for fantastic ear orgasms, oh and beautiful too.

The Golden Globe was much deserved. Story: a young girl wanting to explore her potential in the big city, making her way to a club, run by a former dancer and seeking to become one of the best performers in the country albeit not without difficulty and heartache. Meets a young lad [engaged] who more or less guides her and becomes a close friend. There's conflict in the background, being that a smart businessman is trying to buy over the club so as to make high rise condos, much to the delight of former dancer's partner + ex-husband but to the dismay of said owner. Bills are piling and something dramatic has to change to favor the club. Enter melody-rich/sassy hometown girl with a voice so powerful, she becomes the club's lead performer in one go. Romance ensues and smart business man guy tries to woo the new star with gifts and such, leaving the young lad sad + depressed, as he's come to realize his love for her. By the end of the film all is mended, the club remains open, ex husband goes away smiling to the bank/bad blood between the star and former lead rival is cured. Emotion between the starlight and lad is rich in affection.

What I really really enjoyed of this film were the club scenes; the sex appeal/cleverness of the performances throughout the venue. Music was definitely on point, I highly recommend a good listen to the 13 song OST. I'd definitely watch it again.
Best scenes;
-when rival performer pulled the audio plug to the music Christina was miming to which ended with her being the star after her big voice saved the night.
-when everything appeared to be falling apart for the owner and she performs a song 'haven't' seen the last of me' at an opportune rehearsal.

I'll talk about Green Hornet + Faster soon.
first cinema movie of the year was actually supposed to be Tron w/ best friend Charlette but due to my horrid timing, I haven't got to see it yet :(

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