Monday, January 24, 2011

Bajan Vegetable Soup recipe

Fully loaded wholesome tradition
the dialect edition

you gine need;
a BIG obzocky pot
some seasonings like onions/chives/garlic/italian herbs/assorted soup seasoning
lil bit o butter
de staples; pototoes/yams/eddoes/carrots/pumpkin/breadfruit/squash/sweet potatoes
de 2nd tier veg; plantain/okras/cabbage/corn
some peas [lentils/kidney beans or black eye peas]
some barley
flour/sugar/essence/baking powder/nutmeg for de dumplings

Ort now, put some water wit a lil salt and black pepper in de pot to boil
thruh in de peas and barley
prepare yuh ground provisions; peel/clean and chop up de potatoes/yams/eddoes/onions/sweet potatoes/breadfruit/squash
add dem to de water in de pot and let dem boil up fuh bout 15 minutes
mek sure sure ya check them evry now + then for everything get cook too soft
now start pun de level 2 veg; clean/peel and cut up de carrots/okras/cabbage/pumpkin/plantain/corn
when you dun that, add de chives/garlic/italian herbs to de water
then put in de veg yo just dun prepare, let tha boil up for boil fa 10 mins
time for de bakes; put de butter in a bowl, add de sugar and stir um up, put in de baking powder/nutmeg and flour
mix up with a lil water + de essence cos de batter gotta be fairly stiff
spoon off lil balls into de broth
all you gotta do now is wait for bout 5 minutes till d dumplings cook thru and ya done
easy peeasy :0

serve inna bowl and enjoy a fulfilling nutritious broth of goodness

1 comment:

whatever you want tit to be said...

green bananas. you aint know bout them `)